The GliSODin Anti-aging formula is rich in Omega-3 acids (krill oil) and contains cocoa bean extract to nourish, tighten, tone, and give the skin a more youthful glow. It effectively defends your skin from the effects of aging by providing naturally occurring SOD to the dermis and by contributing to cell division (vitamin D) for the maintenance of normal skin (zinc).
*Comparative study between GliSODin Anti-aging combined with an anti-aging cream vs. cream alone, published in 2014 by LD. Goldberg in Clinical Investigational Dermatology.
when combined with an anti-aging cream - as confirmed through a comparative study, conducted for 12 weeks on 10 patients.
when adding the use of GliSODin Anti-aging Formula with a topical anti-aging cream.
GliSODin Anti-aging is formulated to provide essential nutrients that strengthen and protect the skin from within.
This food supplement is recommended for women and men whose skin has lost its elasticity, is dehydrated, dull, and who wish to fight the signs of aging.
Take the recommended daily dosage in the morning with a glass of water.
GliSODin® - Krill Oil – Vitamin D – Borage Seed Oil – Hyaluronic acid – Cacao Bean extract
A good treatment of GliSODin Anti-Aging

Taking your capsule every day has become natural. Every change or new routine takes three weeks to become a habit. Taking GliSODin every day has become a holistic act for your well-being.
The cells that make up the skin regenerate naturally in a 21-day cycle. Therefore, it makes sense to see the first results after two renewal cycles.
The results of our clinical studies show that the formulas are effective at two months, but after three months of treatment the results are optimal.
The results of our clinical studies show that the formulas are effective at two months, but after three months of treatment the results are optimal.
The results of our clinical studies show that the formulas are effective at two months, but after three months of treatment the results are optimal.
The results of our clinical studies show that the formulas are effective at two months, but after three months of treatment the results are optimal.
The aging process of the cells induces alterations in the structure and functions of our body. These small alterations are gradual over time and can accelerate depending on our lifestyle; this is known as premature aging. The body, more specifically the immune system, is exposed to small but constant quantities of products from these alterations. The immune system is continuously stimulated, and this phenomenon triggers chronic inflammation. Like a vicious circle, age-related pathologies and skin aging are responsible for this inflammation, which in turn accelerates the symptoms. This is known as inflammaging. The underlying issues begin to show on the surface, with disturbance of the skin barrier, dryness, redness, rough texture, irritation, and increased sensitivity.
The scientific and medical literature agrees that antioxidants produced by the body counterbalance the state of oxidative stress at the origin of this inflammatory state phenomenon. Therefore, many antioxidants are now available on the market to support the body in the process of aging.
This is why ISOCELL laboratories have designed the Anti-aging formula, which fits perfectly into a daily routine to act on this inflammaging cycle.
Frequently asked questions
Where are GliSODin products manufactured?
All GliSODin products are manufactured in France, USA and Canada. We hold our products to the same manufacturing standards as the pharmaceutical industry.
I consume other food supplements. Do I need to stop taking them?
If you decide to start a GliSODin Anti-Aging, we recommend that you do not supplement further.
Is there wheat in the GliSODin Anti-Aging formula?
Indeed, wheat is present in all formulas, because it is an essential element for the proper functioning of patented active ingredient based on melon SOD.
Can I continue with treatment after the three months? What is the maximum number of treatments per year?
It all depends on the context in which you took GliSODin formula. If you are undergoing a dermatological treatment for melasma, we recommend that you continue throughout this treatment. If not, we generally recommend that you take one or two months break between each treatment.